Ideas for our film
We were going to create either:
- A football film.
- Where a child is bullied and sport helped them.
- A cheerleader film.
- Use a more interesting setting.
- The idea we went with was a basketball film where it was girls vs boys.
Production diary
11/10/16 We got given are genre and came up with are idea and started to think of the plot and characters.
12/10/16 We wrote the storyboard and started to add camera angles to the plot we also came up with the characters.
13/10/16 We finished the storyboard and started to write the script and wrote the shooting schedule.
17/10/16 Started to film.
18/10/16 Carried on filming.
19/10/16 Finished filming and started to edit.
20/10/16 Carried on editing.
21/10/16 Finished the editing and filmed a shot we could not find. We also updated the shooting schedule.
Shooting Schedule

The script
Shot 3
Holly: Can we play basketball with you.
Jordan: No you can’t play because your girls.
Anneka: I bet you £20 that we can bet you.
Jordan: Your on I could do with the extra money.
Anneka and Jordan shake hands.
Shot 4
Anneka: Do you want to come and beat the boys at basketball ?
Katie: Sure, When?
Holly: Now.
Charlotte: Ok , Lets go and get those boys.
Shot 9
Anneka: You own us £20.
Jordan: I can’t believe you won.
Holly: And you said that girls can’t play.
Girls laugh and high five. The boys act in defeat.
Girls: Holly Anneka Charlotte Katie
Boys: Jordan Harry Adam Sam
Costume: Sports wear
Music:Here come the girls
Finished Film
Who did you work with and how did you manage the task between you?
My group consisted of Holly Connell, Charlotte Revell and Jordan Carter. I feel that we did work well together as a group and all played equal parts towards the finished project. We additionally did make a group chat on our phones to plan ahead for the upcoming lessons so that we would know exactly what to bring and when to bring it. This made the creation process smooth and a lot less stressful.
How did you plan your sequence? What processes did you use?
We planned our sequence using the storyboard provided. We chose the shots that we believed were the best and that would showcase our ideas in the best light.
What theorists do you think you could apply to your task?
Our film had a beginning (the boys playing and being confident that they would win), a middle (the girls gathering their team then the actual game against the boys), and an end (the girls winning and the boys admitting that "girls can play" - the girls' success) to it - which is the Aristole Theory.
What factors did you have to take into account when planning, shooting and editing?
In the planning stage, we obviously had to take into account that we would have to book the area of the school that we wanted when we wanted it so that we could film without ant disruptions. Also, we had to know when everyone was free to film so that we could choose the most suitable time to film. Additionally, one person in my group was on a school trip during filming week which meant we had to take that into account whilst planning. As we filmed outdoors, we had to try to film whilst the wind was as still as possible. Whilst editing, we realised the wind was still loud so we had to try and balance the noise.
How successful was your sequence? Please identify what worked well and with hindsight what would you improve/do differently?
All members of our group were pleased with final product, but it could have been improved. We could have filmed the video and the audio separately due to the wind being too loud over the characters dialogue. We could have also made the story line slightly more gripping and interesting. With hindsight we should have watched our clips once we filmed them when we still had filming time so we could have seen if we wanted to re film any whilst we still had time.
What did others say about your production?
Others said that are production was good however the audio could have been better as it was hard to make out what the characters were saying. Also that some of the shots could have been improved as they all looked quite similar. One of the shots that some said that could have been better was the tracking shot. However most people liked the 'here come the girls' scene due to it being funny however to improve it we could have made it slightly longer as it was short but the most liked scene in the film.
What have you learnt from completing this task?
I learnt group working skills and I improved my editing skills as well. I learnt to take into consideration everyone in the group's feelings about the work and what they were and were not comfortable with. With editing, I learnt how to edit as a group instead of by myself (like the Juno production).
Looking ahead, how will this learning be significant when completing your final film opening?
It will be significant to my final film opening because of the skills I have learnt from this will create a better overall finished product, due to mostly learning from my mistakes.
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