How did the filming go?
The filming went smoothly, with only two shots which needed to be re-done, which was not time consuming, nor complicated at all. My group did not experience any technical difficulties with the technology involved (camera and microphone). Additionally, we managed to complete the filming within less than one lesson (our lessons are one hour) which made the process more convenient as my group could all move onto the editing stage faster than we had anticipated.
Was the storyboard accurate?

Our storyboard was accurate as we used it as a template whilst filming to followed the timings and descriptions for each shot. It was additionally helpful in the way which we used it to add notes on anything else appropriate to the project, such as the bottle being in the left/ right hand.
Strengths and weaknesses in the group
A major strength which appeared in the group was the ableness of working as a team. We all assigned ourselves one job each (Juno, camera-man, director) and were able to stick to our specific titles well, as well as co-operating and helping each other with their roles. Another strength which stemmed from this was working at a fast pace and being efficient with the time provided as a group.
One weakness which could be interpreted was perhaps how we rushed the filming process and did not take our time or be more careful with it. A second weakness was that we lacked attention to detail, we did not have the part of the 'runners' who were supposed to run past Juno at the beginning. This could have made our final video seem messy or unfinished.
Did you get all the footage you needed?
We did manage to get all of the footage which we needed and was required. We managed to do this because we made sure to constantly compare our footage to the actual model Juno video. This allowed us to easily reach and attain that goal.
Technical skills learnt
As I did not film, the technical skills that I learnt were all on Adobe Premiere. I learnt how to edit footage by using cut to make the timings as accurate as possible, adding an external video onto our original footage, adding the music over the top, and to change the speed and colour of the footage.
How does it compare to the original?
Our footage matches the timings of the original well. Although, I found it difficult to match the cartoon effect of the original Juno clip, therefore it is not a complete match.
What went well - What I learnt - What I will take with me to the next production
Our group worked overwhelmingly well together, we were all accepting and open to eachother's ideas which was what went most well. I learnt how to do new and different effects, technical skills and editing skills - this I will additionally take with me to my next production. I will also take the amount of detail used in our story board to the next production as it was a helpful thing to have in the process of our filming and evaluation.
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