This image is the film poster for a film named Coraline.
From observing this image alone, I can pick up denotations and tell this film will be a horror/thriller and perhaps of the children's genre additionally.
It is clear that this film has aspects of the horror and thriller genres because of some symbolic images and aspects of the whole combined film poster. Aspects of this image which have connotations to thrillers and horror could be the black cat at the front of the image (black cats have connotations to bad luck), the overwhelming use of dark colours such as deep purple and black (darkness is connotative to death, danger and mystery). The tree on the left side of the poster has very sinister connotations.
The way that the branches form make it look like a claw reaching towards the young girl at the center foreground of the film poster. This technique is mixing innocence and horror which creates a spooky and eerie feeling to the viewer, which may make them more intrigues to watch the film (preferred reading).
Based from the image, this film could included in the fantasy genre also as it shows a parallel universe effect (one side of the house is spooky and fantasy like/ make believe, whilst the opposite side of the house is normal and ordinary day-to-day life).
Excellent use of media terminology in here. Keep all this in mind when you design your own film poster.
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